When in need of exhaustive information and in-depth analysis of your disks’ storage capabilities, DiskSavvy Pro is an excellent option to explore. It produces extensive reports, statistics, and graphs of all the files stored on your PC, network, and NAS devices in no time. It offers a wealth of categories and classification tools to help you make informative decisions regarding your storage needs.
You can select which disks or which sections within an array of disks you want the program to scan for you. The software will display the first results in no time (it checked my files at a rate of around 8,000+ per second), providing you with highly useful information about the number of files and they space they’re taking up in the selected storage devices. As an initial bonus, you’ll see at the bottom of the screen a useful list of files categorized by extension.
From there, it is up to you to determine which classification methods of plugins you wish to apply to the program’s data – users, modification time, creation time, file size, video files, audio files, images, etc. Besides, you can have a bird’s eye view of how all your files fit into these categories and many others. You’ll see at a glance the number of files within each file type as well as the space the take, both in size and in percentage. All of these results can be shown as a standard list or as colorful pie and bar charts, which you can use to present your findings to those you report to or to your colleagues, for instance. more